Cross Platform Development, Is that the future?

In the rapidly evolving world of software development, the demand for applications that can seamlessly run on various platforms has paced up. As an experienced Mobile development team member and Application Architect at Pratham Software, I have witnessed the emergence of cross-platform development and its potential to redefine the future of software development. In this… Continue reading Cross Platform Development, Is that the future?

Best Practices for Multitenant SaaS Architecture

Explore the best practices for designing and implementing a multitenant SaaS architecture to enhance scalability, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. Tenancy Models Tenancy models in a multitenant SaaS architecture refer to the different ways in which tenants are organized and managed. There are several common tenancy models, including: Shared Database – In this model, multiple tenants share… Continue reading Best Practices for Multitenant SaaS Architecture