Relevance of Mind Mapping Techniques for Software Testing

A Picture speaks a thousand words’. It is a universal truth that our brain processes images and graphics faster than words. It is considered as a more acceptable learning tool.
Individuals consider recalling visual acts better than learning things through traditional reading methods. Thus, to explain anything we draw lines, circles, and graphs; which can be similarly implemented via the Mind Map tool.

Golden Rules for Software Testing

Testing implies the purpose of understanding whether the system fulfils the requirements or not. It helps identify the gaps, errors, or any missing requirements against the defined requirements.
Based on my testing experience, I feel that testing is a basic human nature of examining things before accepting or agreeing upon. In case of software testing, it starts with analysing requirements much before actual software development.

Software Testing & its Myths

As I began putting across my perspective on Software Testing, I found below Quotes quite interesting and relevant to the post:
“Software testers do not make software; they only make them better.”
“Testers don’t break software, software is already broken.”